Make Better Decisions Earlier With Aura Particle Analyzers

With the ability to conduct particle analysis in as little as 5 µL, you can get information on particle presence and formation early in discovery and development for critical insight into developability, stability, formulation, manufacturability and more.

Choose the Aura that Works Best for You

Aura plus instrument

Sprite Aura+

Obtain accurate and quantitative particle size, count, morphology, and ID info—one Aura+ system for interdisciplinary biotherapeutic labs.

Aura PTx particle analyzer

Sprite Aura PTx

Make stability, safety, and efficacy decisions earlier and get to your best antibody formulation faster with the Aura PTx (USP 788 compliant).

Aura GT instrument

Sprite Aura GT

Ensure product quality, avoid vector aggregates, and monitor DNA leakage earlier when you develop gene therapies with Aura GT.

Aura CL particle analyzer

Sprite Aura CL

Maximize the purity, safety, and efficacy of your cell therapy with our simple-to-use Aura CL particle analyzer.

Our Particle Analyzers by Therapeutic Area

Sprite Aura+ Sprite Aura CL Sprite Aura GT Sprite Aura PTx Aura Aura BMI
Biologics Particle Analysis Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 4 Decorative circle for image 3 Decorative circle for image 2 Decorative black dot for image Decorative black dot for image
Particle Analysis + ID Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 4 Decorative circle for image 3 Decorative circle for image 2 Decorative black dot for image
Protein Therapy Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 2
Gene Therapy Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 3
Cell Therapy Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 4

Our Particle Analyzers by Application

Sprite Aura + Sprite Aura CL Sprite Aura GT Sprite Aura PTx Aura Aura BMI
Particle Detection / Quantitation Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 4 Decorative circle for image 3 Decorative circle for image 2 Decorative black dot for image Decorative black dot for image
Extrinsic Particles Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 4 Decorative circle for image 3 Decorative circle for image 2 Decorative black dot for image Decorative black dot for image
Protein ID Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 4 Decorative circle for image 3 Decorative circle for image 2 Decorative black dot for image
Polysorbate ID Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 2
Cell Aggregate ID Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 4
Capsid Aggregate ID Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 3
Immunoassays Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 3 Decorative circle for image 2
Cellular Assays Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 4
DNA Leakage Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 3
High Magnification Microscopy Decorative circle for image 1 Decorative circle for image 4
Custom FL Applications Decorative black dot for image

How the Aura Family
of Particle Analyzers Work

See More,
Learn More,
Do More—With Less

Combining two powerful technologies into a single innovation, the Aura family of instruments expands what you can accomplish when you can conduct particle analysis at high throughput with low sample volumes.

This state-of-the-art measurement instrumentation integrates advanced image analysis capabilities, enabling precise characterization and quantification of particles, enhancing the reliability and efficiency of your experiments.

Do it all

Because Aura instruments work on as little as 5 µL, you can analyze particles earlier in development when you’re working with limited volumes, identifying potential liabilities when it’s easier to re-prioritize.

Aura instruments are also able to support later development activities as they are compliant with USP 788 compendial particle measurements.

Backgrounded Membrane
Imaging—How It Works

See every visible and subvisible particle in your sample—even the transparent ones missed by other methods—with innovative BMI technology.

Actual FMM image of a heterogeneous particle sample

Fluorescence Membrane Microscopy—How It Works

With the FMM technology that’s part of Aura particle analyzers, you can uncover particle identity for faster, more streamlined development.

Side Illumination Membrane Microscopy—How It Works

Interrogate and characterize for extrinsic and inorganic particles like glass and metals, which are the leading cause of drug product recalls.

Particle Vue Software

Get particle analysis answers in just a few clicks with flexible, easy-to-use Particle Vue Software.